Thursday, May 21, 2015

The World Is Filled With Scary Voodoo Dolls

By Tammie Caldwell

Unfortunately there are quite a few humans in this world who will sleep with the lights on each and every night. Some of these people are even afraid of scary voodoo dolls which are currently inhabiting this planet. All of these statues can easily be found at antiques stores and other markets which sell old items. Some can even be purchased over the internet for a small fee. Luckily anyone who loves these items may be able to obtain one.

One Florida resident enjoyed visiting all of the unique gift shops which were located around her area. She had loads of money to spend since her parents were very rich and they had absolutely everything. This lucky lady also loved statues which resemble human beings and on this particular day she had spotted an item that she wanted. An eager shop assistant helped guide her to this very rare find.

He took her to a certain table which had tons of statues sitting upon it. The dark skinned doll was very interesting since he was the only colorful one within this group. This stunning woman knew at once that he would certainly start many great conversations among her house guests. She felt a very close connection to this one item.

At first this great store helper did not want to let her buy this item since he knew its dire history. Once she pulled a handful of money out of her purse he then quickly changed his mind. People living in this part of the world would never pay so much cash for an ugly item within a store.

She felt that the price was quite fair for such a strange and unique doll which could make anyone laugh or cry. This item would stand out among everything else that was within the household. She was quite excited to place him on top of her book shelf which stood within her personal room.

This was his new home and he seemed very happy to be within it. Even though he had a frightening smile upon his face the young woman still loved him dearly. Her best friend did not think that this item was very cute and she tried to avoid looking at it. After so many people had made negative comments about this doll the woman decided to find out more information on this item.

Unfortunately after coming home she discovered that the tables and chairs within her residence were thrown across the room. She decided to contact the local law enforcement officers which were around town. They could not find anyone within the house and made an official report. She was advised to lock her doors and windows after they left the grounds. The day had been exhausting and she decided to retreat to her bedroom. It was quite shocking when she almost sat on her black statue which was now on the bed.

Luckily one of the books from the library had described this statue in full detail. He was a demon doll who would invade the home's of single women who were doomed to be old maids. This item was also known to destroy the personal property which belonged to the women who lived alone. Unfortunately this doll has also been around for a very long time.

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