Monday, November 30, 2015

Fashion & Its Relation To Personality, With Christina Kelly

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

Christina Kelly can tell you that fashion involves more than simply the clothing that people wear. I am sure that most anyone can say the same, especially when considering the notion that attire can be a reflection of personality. This should probably go without saying, but one must wonder why this is the case to begin with. For those who are curious to know how these elements work together, keep these details in the back of your mind.

Before anything else, it's important to consider that this isn't the case for everyone. There are those who simply don't place as much focus on fashion as others, meaning that what they wear should not be taken at face value. More than anything else, the logic of style reflecting personality usually applies to those who are fashion enthusiasts, one example being Christina Kelly. Understanding this logic, at the onset, will leave you better off.

There are many elements of clothing that can reflect one's personality, but I feel like the small adjustments play into things in a big way. After all, you have to consider that said adjustments have been common for years, such as the tears in denim jeans I have seen much of when I was younger. Of course, small changes can be seen across various forms of fashion. It's just a matter of what appeals to you, but it'll have worth that Christina Kelly and others will find hard to ignore.

Of course, there are other elements of fashion that can be used to reflect personality. All one has to do is look at hairstyles, which can vary from person to person. Many people might wear their hair in certain ways, perhaps so uncommonly to the point where they won't fail to stand out in a crowd. Many people do this by adding hair dye, either in the form of streaks or full color. Whatever the case may be, this reflection of personality is difficult to ignore.

Without question, fashion can serve a number of purposes, and Christina Kelly can say the same on the matter. Perhaps one of the greatest purposes is the reflection of one's personality, which is nothing short of monumental. After all, it's important for people to feel comfortable in their skin, not to mention the clothing that catches their eye. Suffice it to say, when someone is confident in their appearance, their demeanor becomes that much more prominent.

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