Wednesday, April 27, 2016

More On Ethical Clothing Los Angeles

By Virginia Scott

In almost every part of the world, people have different ways of dressing. What matters is the type of occasion that an individual is attending. In parties nowadays, they have come up with dressing requirements that every attendee should observe such as an all white party, all black party and many more. Employers also expect their employees to dress in a certain way. For this, there is ethical clothing Los Angeles.

What every employee should wear is communicated by the employer. To communicate a particular corporate image and for clients to be able to identify the employees easily, the employer may require them to dress on uniforms. Every dress code that an employer introduces considers the safety of the employee and their health for example; health workers will are prohibited to put on jewelry due to their safety especially when attending to patients. When employees are operating certain machinery, there are clothings that are prohibited.

Dress code is often used by employers for safety of the workers and ensures that everyone is dressed accordingly. How they dress should always relate to the kind of job they are doing and reasonable in nature. For example, workers may be required to tie their hair back or cover it for both genders due to the hygiene reasons especially to those working in the culinary field.

An organization may come up with policies that set up reasonable standards on appearance. Every dress code set should not discriminate the male or the female but should be equal. Although in some standards it can be different like in a case where women are required to wear dresses while men should have ties. In such cases, it is tolerable and fair for both parties.

As the weather changes, employers are required to adopt an approach that is more casual over the summer although it still depends on the kind of business. In some businesses, employers require the staff to be dressed on dresses all year due to the type of work. Take an example of a sales representative who meets the clients. They will be needed to maintain certain standards and is always clear in the organization policies.

Before drafting in a certain dress code, its always a good practice to consider the reasoning behind it. Consulting with the employees will ensure that they accept every bit of the policy. Ensure that all the employees are informed of any changes to avoid excuses in the future. The policies should also consider employees who have religious believes and need to dress in a certain way.

At times, employees may be exempted from dressing the normal way like in a case where an employee may be willing to support different charities. However, one has to seek for permission from their day manager before taking part. An employer who may wish to not allow workers to dress according to their religious believes need to justify the reasons. The reasons stated should be free from discrimination.

Display of different religious faith can be pinned down to rhyme with the business policy of dressing. Its important that employers put into considerations of workers faith. Listen to the opinions of the workers as it brings unity in the organization.

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