Thursday, June 16, 2016

Modest Islamic Clothing Is The Ideal

By Andrew Morgan

The religion of Islam is very inspiring and comforting despite its many rules and bylaws. It has these rules in place so people honor Allah which is the name that they give to God. Wearing modest islamic clothing is part of the religion especially for women. Men and women both need to use modesty in what they wear, however. Modesty helps humans focus on what is important and what is not.

If a person is wearing clothes that show their body parts explicitly, it is hard to think about things of a higher nature. The natural man is selfish and egotistical and wants everything it wants right now. Islam is about desiring more than that. It is about wanting to go deeper so one can connect to Allah. If someone is dressed immodestly, it is very hard to think about Allah. Your thoughts might drift to sexual things or about self glory.

The images presented in various magazines in modern culture depict immodesty. It is very hard not to notice it at the grocery store. When you are checking out, you will see the magazines that suggest that modesty is not popular which makes it hard for serious Muslims to follow their religion while still being a part of society. One must decide which God they want to obey.

Websites showing clothing that is acceptable in Islam are available for purchase. They can be bought on several, different websites that display clothing that is not very revealing. If you are interested in buying this way, do a thorough search online so you can find many of the selections.

The websites you find will probably have images of clothing that is helpful to see. You may need to measure yourself according to their numbers as the items you buy will not be too small or too large for you. They will fit just right. Buying clothes that do not fit is an awful experience.

Online purchasing is different than at a store. No dressing room is obviously available when you buy online. Make sure you have everything in order before you buy online. Refunds may be harder to get when you cannot walk into a store and speak directly to the manager. Emails and phone calls only go so far when you are hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

You could get creative with clothes for your religion. Hijabs and burkas can have various colors that can be very attractive. Burkas are usually black, but hijabs can have an array of colors. You may want to look at a color wheel and see which colors you like the most.

The importance of modesty cannot be stressed enough. You can teach this principle to your children. The best form of teaching, however, is your example. If you dress modestly, your children most likely will, too. They watch everything that you do and will emulate what they see.

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