Tuesday, December 13, 2016

All About The Modest Islamic Clothing

By Melissa Wilson

The Islam religion is one of the most influential religions in the world. The believers to the religion are dispersed throughout the world. They are mainly identified through their Modest Islamic Clothing and their rich culture. However similar their attire is, they tend to differ due to various factors with the main ones as climate, social status, traditions and geographical location.

The Islam clothe as a way of showing their belief and values. It is essential that the clothes should be appear decent and modest, however simple they are they are attractive. The common materials used in making the clothes are cotton thus the clothes are mainly suitable for hot and humid climates. Although the clothes might seem similar they all differ from the other.

The Islam clothing is in two main categories, the fashionable and costly Islamic urban and the traditional rural wear. Urban wear mainly consist of traditional jubbahs, shirt and pant suits as well as pajamas. Rural wears are categorized into women wear that consist of the black facial cloths, Burkha for the women and the simple salwar-kurta while the men wear cotton pajamas and jubbah.

A hijab is the most important Islamic garment especially for the women. There are different concepts involving the wearing of these garments due to the difference in cultures, and changes in time that has affected the way they are used, worn, importance and styles of the hijab. This thus has led to the different rules for example in Saudi Arabia, Islamic women should always be covered in a hijab when in a public place while France and Turkey prohibit hijabs in schools.

There are different styles of the hijab depending on the religion and culture of these affected individuals. An example is Muslims in India and Pakistan wear a hijab known as burqa which is a two piece that consists of a head covering often in black and a gown. A niqaab is also added to cover the head and face and then falls to the bosom. Those in the Middle East have the abaya which is often embroidered and made from black caftan that covers the body from head to toe.

All the clothes that the women wear should be loose fitting so as to reduce the sexual attention the woman attracts. The clothing should cover up the body and ensure that the outline of the shape of ones body is not visible. The real skin color of ones body should also be hidden from sight thus the clothes should also be dark and thick enough for this purpose. Wearing shiny and brightly colored clothing is also banned. These specifications also apply to the men.

Men are also required to cover up their heads as the women using turbans or scarves. The often one used is the kuffiyya which is a checkered scarf. Time has though changed the traditions as men now are required to cover their heads only when attending religious events or at the religious grounds.

To get an Islamic attire, you just need to check out for options from the online stores and wholesale markets. Online stores are the best option as they sell the goods at high discounts.

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