Sunday, August 17, 2014

Benefits Of Taking Up Comic Art Classes

By Linda Ruiz

Reading is important to human beings as it allows them to grow in many ways. It allows them to develop reasoning and critical thinking. It also allows them to notice details and look at things and events from different views, angles, and perspectives. It also brings you to all the places you have never been to, if only you will allow your imaginative mind to take you there.

Of course, people have very different reading preferences, according to their varying tastes. There are those who only read factual write ups and believe that fictional stuff are not worth reading. There are also some who get bored easily with the highly intellectual articles and would rather get lost in a good romance or mystery novel. There are people who would rather see the scenes rather than imagine them in their head, so they read comic books. Those who love it so much even attend comic art classes Pennsylvania.

These comic books, known by the Japanese as manga, are often used as a way to express ideas not only in words, but in pictures. These pictures are often arranged in such a way that they are able to tell really good stories. While most of them are made purely for entertainment reasons, there are also others that make one think about important issues that need to be addressed.

A person who is immersed in the creation of comics is called a cartoonist or a comic artist. Today, most of them are made by a single person only. Sometimes, they are also made by a team of artists who work on specific areas. A penciller lays out the entire story in pencil. The inker finishes it with ink, along with all the tiny details that the penciller overlooks. Finally, when the illustration panels are done, the letterer adds the captions and the speech balloons. A colorist is added to the team for colored reads.

Even with the spectacular rise to fame by the said genre, not all children are encouraged by their parents to make a living out of drawing cartoons. They believe that this will not bring about financial security. While being a cartoonist has its low points, there are many things that make it worthwhile.

There are actually good returns when one is involved in this kind of work. First off, companies working in this line do not rank people according to their scholastic records. The truth is, they do not even take a good long look at your records, even. What they care about is that you have the natural ability to create images as realistically as they can be.

It also spares you from the pressures of employment. Being an artist allows you to have time on your hands, which means you can do what you like whenever you want to. You can even choose to work at home, or have freelance projects.

Being an artist does not also stop with comic books. Widely successful series often lead to franchises and other merchandises. This way, an artist gets to double his income. He does not only receive a pay from his publishers, he also gets something from the profits of the franchises.

Being an artist does not make you instantly the loner. Associations allow one to meet other people with the same passion. During conventions and other get togethers, you can make friends without much effort.

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