Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cheap Neckties Do Not Mean Poor Quality

By Mattie MacDonald

Wow, you just got hired for a new employment opportunity and your new dress code is formal wear, a button up shirt and a necktie. This will be the first time you have worked for a corporation that requires this and you don;t have any appropriate clothes to wear. It is time to go shopping for a few new outfits and cheap neckties.

Go on a shopping spree! Best you do some online shopping and see what you can get on the market, ensure you do not buy any clothes that will make you itchy or shrink in the wash. On your search for good prices on semi formal wear, one will really need to look around. You do not only wish to look nice in these clothes, but feel good as well.

It may be a good idea to appeal to your friends and family who also have to wear formal clothes to work, as they already have the right experience in buying formal wear. Though this does not mean they all have the same budget as you. You will have to take your time and carefully find out who shares your budget and style so you can spend your money properly.

Classic colors such as black, blue, brown and white are always great smart looking colors to wear and you can get a variety of accessories to match. It would be fun to go to a boutique and let them dress you up in all the different styles and colors and you can feel like a king for the day, now how grand would that be. This will also allow you to test which colors suit you, as well as with ties match each outfit.

Starting off small would be the best policy. How about getting a pair or two of classic black pants and two or three classic white long sleeve shirts, you can wear these colors most days and no one will even think twice about it. The greatest bonus with these colors is the variety of accessories you can wear with them.

Before you get a head of yourself why don't you first start your new adventure; see if you even like your new position. This will give you some time before spending all your resources and opening every clothing account you can get your hands on. What if you detest your new position; hate wearing formal clothes and in a month or two you want to go back to your old job where you can wear jeans and t-shirts? Time is on your side to properly learn which brands you like and which ones will suit your budget.

Dressing in nice formal clothes may increase your moral; help you to feel worthy. This is a fabulous journey, one you can be proud to make at this stage of your life. People will see you as a professional, take you seriously and treat you like you have never been treated before. Are you ready for the new challenge; hopefully you can hold on to it with both hands.

A fabulous new adventure, Good Luck! With the right research you can be delighted in wearing your new neckties. Wow you look so grand in all your new wonderful colors; the variety of material. Some of your new ties have diagonal strips, others have spots. You look like a model.

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