Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How To Find Steam Punk Earrings To Compliment Any Outfit

By Beryl Dalton

One of the funnest fashion trends around is known as "steam punk". There are a large number of people who love the sense of fun and whimsy that this trend brings with it. If you want to add pieces to your own wardrobe, you may want to consider smaller pieces such as steam punk earrings. That way you can embrace this trend without making it impossible for you to carry it over into your daily life.

Knowing the history of this style can help you feel more comfortable when it is time to shop. The world that this genre is set in is similar to ours. The main difference is that in this world, steam power has remained the main source of energy. There is a mix between modern technology and historical aspects. This genre is more than just fashion as well.

Victorian elements are very common within this style. Someone who is putting together an outfit using this style may look for fabrics such as velvet or leather. Instead of buttons, there may be ornate clasps or metal fasteners. There are often accessories such as top hats, goggles, canes and other pieces which are not commonly worn these days. Other people who choose to dress in this style will wear items with exposed gears, or even a western look to them. This is one reason why this style is easy to add to your own wardrobe.

Now that you know a bit more about the style itself, it may make it easier for you to go shipping. One of the first things to think about is where you will wear a particular piece. If you are wearing it as part of an overall look, you may be able to get away with something that is larger or more obvious.

If you talk to people who dress in this style, its not uncommon for them to gravitate to the Victorian era in general. This is when many of the works of fiction that define this movement were written. If you want to get a feel for this world, reading the works of H. G. Wells can help you do just that. You can easily add clothing and jewelry to your wardrobe to give it a feel that is in keeping with the steam punk style.

The internet can also help you find a number of websites that feature this kind of style. You can find many different types of jewelry including necklaces, pins, bracelets and rings. You may also be able to find some smaller items such as individual gears that can help you create earrings that are one of a kind.

Balance is key when adding any accessory to an outfit. Pieces such as earrings can be the focal point of an outfit but you want to make sure that the rest of your outfit won't pull attention away from them. You might want to keep your clothing and accessories neutral and understated so that your steam punk side can be seen easily and tastefully.

When you start adding items from this style to your wardrobe you will see just how fun it can be. You can vary your look easily from full on steam punk to a simple hint of this style from time to time.

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