Saturday, July 11, 2015

Christina Dimauro Kelly: The Do's & Don'ts Of Fashion

By Katie Onson

If you want to go over fashion, as a whole, it's safe to assume that you'll take part in lengthy discussion. Few will be able to overlook this, especially when there are so many different ways in which style can be accomplished. Even though there's no true accounting for taste, in this respect, advice can still be given by the likes of Christina DiMauro Kelly. To get the most out of fashion as you possibly can, here are a few of the do's and don'ts you should recognize.

Do read up. If you want to make the most out of fashion, it's in your best interest to read up. Many others can agree with this sentiment, especially when there are several publications worth looking into. Glamour is just one name to take into account, as it is one of the more reputable names in style out there. When you're able to do your research - all the while keeping your own style in mind - Christina Kelly and others can tell you that you'll benefit.

Don't be hesitant to accept help. When you walk into a fashion retailer, chances are that you'll be approached by salespeople, who are tasked with helping consumers find what they're looking for. For this reason, it's in your best interest to come in with a general understanding of what you want. The more information that you have, according to Christina DiMauro Kelly, the better the help is that you'll receive. Just don't be hesitant to accept it.

Do consider your options. If you think that you are limited on clothing options, as they relate to your own unique style, think again. You do not necessarily have to pay tremendous amounts of money to look good, as there exist multiple options to take advantage of. You can even look online and find heavily discounted articles of clothing, which will be high-quality all the same. When you do your research, in this regard, you end up benefitting that much more.

Don't forget to try what you buy. This may not be easily doable, depending on the retailer you shop at. However, once places allow consumers to try on clothes before they make purchases, which is a service that you should take advantage of as well. Such an endeavor will allow you to see if you need a different size, or even if it looks good on you in general. In order to prevent a possible return to the store, try on the clothes you plan to buy.

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