Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Tips For Getting Cash For Gold Gilbert

By Ernest King

If you have been thinking about selling your jewelry to make a little extra money there are some tips you should follow. You want to be certain that you get as much cash for gold Gilbert Arizona buyers will pay. The items you want to sell may have some sentimental value that makes them priceless to you but not so to a buyer.

Sometimes it is better to keep those sentimental pieces of jewelry rather than sell them. Having an emotional attachment to items can often outweigh the cash value. It is ideal to select broken items such as earrings that have no mate. Choose the pieces you are no longer wearing and you are not emotionally attached.

Be certain you have items appraised prior to selling to someone who make their purchases by weight. Some antique or designer items might be worth a lot more if they are sold as finished pieces instead of for the metal. It is also a good idea to know what karat your pieces are. Gold is made up of gold and alloys to make up 10, 14, and 18 karat items. When selling, you will be paid for the amount of pure gold in the piece.

Make sure that you locate a buyer who is reputable. Check to make certain that they have the appropriate license needed to purchase gold in the state you reside. Ask the business if they belong to a jewelry trade association such as Jewelers of America. Associations require their members to hold to a high standard of ethics. Check to see if there are any complaints against the company.

Most folks are looking for the highest price for their jewelry as possible. Offers will be quite different depending on demographics. Make sure to document your pieces and take photos of them before presenting them to a potential buyer. If you are mailing them to a company make sure they have a procedure for reimbursement in the event they are lost. Always have high value pieces appraised prior to selling.

Examine the various websites that offer pricing information. Checking these sites periodically will help you know what the present value is for precious metals. The site is a reference point for the seller that helps them compare different offers. Selling jewelry is in no way going to give you financial independence, however it can give you extra cash. Remember that there are refining fees that you will pay the buyer for.

Visit your local jewelers to start gathering information about the value of your items. Sellers need to make certain that they have done some homework before making a deal with a buyer. It is important that you are sure that you are getting the best deal available.

It is also very important that you understand karats and how gold is measured. Separate all your pieces by their karat weight. All your pieces should be weighed grouped by karat and never lumped together. It is also good for you to know what karat your pieces are when you are selling them.

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