Saturday, May 14, 2016

Tips On How To Dress In Modest Islamic Clothing

By Mark Schmidt

In the Islamic religion, dressing is a very crucial part of the religion. The faith expects that the followers dress in a modest manner. Men are prohibited from gazing at a woman that they have no relationship ties. Women are expected to protect their beauty by wearing clothes that are decent. These rules and regulations have made it hard for the modern Islamic community to choose what to wear. However, with these modern times, designers have paid more attention to the religion and in the development of modest Islamic clothing. Here are some of the ways that you can dress to remain modern and still meet the expectations of the religion:

The traditional times saw Muslims dress in long, plain and loose clothing. These clothing did not have any patterns, embroidery and was a plain color. However, the change in time has changed the perception of the Muslim community who are now willing to embrace the changes in fashion.

Women mainly wear abayas that is a long robe that is loose and flows from the shoulder to the toe. It is made of thick translucent material. Although this type of dressing is still very common, we have seen it change. They are now mostly decorated with embroidery, jewels and patterns. This allows the Muslim women to enjoy a change in their fashion styles and create more vibrancy in their clothing.

Women are expected to cover up from their heads to their toes. Covering up every part of the body can make it very difficult to dress in a vibrant manner. However, in modern times, the Islamic women now wear jubbas that are fashionable and embedded with jewelry. This improves the look of your outfits and allows you to fit in the modern times and look stylish.

Men have simple ways of dressing unlike their women. They are not expected to hide their hair or wear very long or loose outfits. Jubbas are robes that are commonly worn by the Islamic men. However, unlike the women, they wear these robes on special occasions and events. You can easily have custom made jubbas or have a tailor make one for you.

During normal days, men are free to wear all types of clothing as they are not limited like women. They can wear suits and any type of clothing provided they remain descent and smart. This is to honor their creator and their Muslim society. They can now be able to have clothes custom made, feel elegant and still be respected as a Muslim member.

There is different type of Islamic clothing in the market. However, when choosing the right fit, it is important that you consider the different styles from different regions. The online market allows you to shop for Islamic clothing from all over the world which gives you limitless designs. Secondly, you can choose to have your own designer that will develop any type of clothing you need.

Islamic religion dictates that its followers dress in a decent manner. This can be easily achieved if you have the knowledge of the expectations of the religion. The market has become more inclusive of the religion making their outfits easier to find. Consequently, you can now wear elegant and stylish Islamic clothes. The article will guide you on what to where to find these clothes and the expectations of the religion in terms of dressing.

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