Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Advice On How To Sell On Instagram

By Patty Goff

Instangram is an emerging social media platform that has attracted millions of users. If you are looking for somewhere to market your products or services, you can take advantage of this market by selling to them products or services that they will find useful. There are various tips that can come in handy in helping you know how to sell on Instagram.

Take high quality photos of the items you have for sale. Make the items as attractive as possible. By trying different layouts, using different backgrounds and colors and pairing up the item with other related items. You can also make your products more attractive to potential clients by illustrating to clients how the item is best used.

Using hash tags is vital in making people find you online. Your hash tags should include the name of your product, your brand name and your location. Clearly indicate that the items are for sale. Make sure that each post has a hash tag. You can use as many hash tags as you deem necessary, as long as they are relevant to your post.

Interact with other users. This includes people you follow and people who follow you. If someone comments on your post or asks a question, be sure to respond in time. This will make potential clients more open and responsive to your posts, which can increase your sales. You can also mention users who post photos of your products or reward followers for resharing your photos.

Make it easy for your customers to find items and more information about the items that are on sale. You can do this by including a link that leads to where they can find more information about the product. You can also include your contact information on your posts. That way, customers won't have to keep scrolling through your account to find contact details. You should also provide your customers with a convenient way to pay for the items and have it shipped to them as soon as you can.

Caption your photos properly. Your captions should provide your users with more information about the products you are selling. This includes stating the price and availability of the product. You can also provide any other information that may be helpful to the customer or prompt them to want to buy the product. You can use short descriptions or you can use long descriptions on your posts.

Add some bit of creativity and spontaneity to our posts to keep things fun. Use other media available on the site such as videos. Apart from your products, you can also post photos of other things that are related to your business. This includes photos of what goes on behind the scenes and people who are involved in the day to day running of the business.

Holding competitions from time to time is a good way of appreciating your customers and gaining more followers. Always make your top prize as enticing as possible. This will get a lot of people to participate. This will create more awareness about your brand.

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