Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Repurposed Vintage Jewelry Is Available Online

By Jocelyn Davidson

Jewelry is of no use if it just sits in a drawer because it is outdated, broken or does not fit. Taking these pieces and using various elements to create eye-catching new pieces is a trend that shows no sign of abating. Repurposed vintage jewelry can be an important part of any collection as pieces are often one of a kind.

Inherited pieces carry with them much sentimental value. However, pieces are meant to be worn and admired, not sit in a drawer. These pieces often contain valuable stones like diamonds. They may be made of old gold or silver. These elements can be used to create new pieces that the owner is proud to wear and serves as a constant reminder of the person who wore the original item.

Old broaches often make interesting cocktail rings. Chandelier earrings and bracelets can be made from old diamonds. A long pearl earring may be used to create a set of earrings and pearls. Earrings without partners are effectively used on bracelets and necklaces. Broken pieces of various items are combined to produce one new item.

Getting a jeweler to inspect and appraise a piece is important. Knowing the value of an item is essential before simply deciding to break it apart to create something new. A piece may have far more value in its original state, even if it is broken. A reputable jeweler who works regularly with heirloom items will be able to give valuable advice.

A reputable jeweler who works with heirloom items will be able to inspect pieces and tell you whether they are worth using for a new piece or should rather be kept as is. He or she will also be able to give advice as to how the various elements could be used in a design.

If the advice of a jeweler is that the pieces can be used, then a design needs to be chosen. Some people have their own ideas of exactly what they want. If not, jewelers often have sketches of possible designs that can be used. The future wearer and jeweler usually collaborate together to come up with the best possible uses of different elements.

When these old pieces are recreated to suit the personality and style of the current wearer, they often form an important part of a collection. These pieces, when revived like this, not only have sentimental value but often look quite stunning and unique too. The jeweler knows just how to bring the best out of the raw materials used to preserve the past but within a contemporary style.

Making a wonderful new piece that is not only current but suits the style of the wearer is possible. The best of the past should be brought to the piece with the elements used as well. This means that wearing a piece like this can create a sense of nostalgia and bring back fond memories while at the same time offer style and modernity.

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