Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Ways Of Designing Metallic Temporary Tattoos

By Lena Stephenson

The ability to have all the resources that a person needs is very important. This is accomplished by manipulation of the several resources that are on the face of the planet. The most massive resources include the earth, soils, stones and the massive water bodies that come with it. The procedures of making metallic temporary tattoos are copious in nature.

All these materials can be categorized according to several qualities and characteristics as well. This can be effectively done using the various states in which matter can exist. The state in which matter is naturally determines its various strengths, weaknesses and accordingly possible applications. While some materials have their particles closely packed with no space in between others have theirs widely spaced.

Matter is known to come in various states and each state is famous for its own unique characteristics according. The densities too change from one state to another. Air is the most unstable element on the planet. It is so fluid it freely slows around the place according the pull of the forces of nature. This is only next to water in this categorization.

A mode of classification had to be put in place to help in the categorization of the various different materials that exist with no explanation. All the materials on earth change from one state to another depending on the level of temperature that they are exposed to. They can solidify, condense, melt down or even sublime as the particular case study may dictate. According to this system, air is the very fast element on the classification.

Solids are usually the strongest among the many material states. These solids are closely packed in terms of matter. The smallest piece of stone has a maximum number of molecules within it. However, even among solids there is a variation in densities. Some materials are known to be denser than the others in this same category.

Being so strong under compression and tensional forces, metals are used in the reinforcement of structures. Structures such as buildings and houses are built using only the strongest materials such as bricks, stones, rocks, timber and finally metallic materials. This gives them the combined strength and durability of all the materials used accordingly. Sand and cement are also mixed and allowed o set as to form an even tougher variety of connective tissue.

Solids include materials such as wood, stone, rock, metal, ice and many others. These are the commonest materials in our communities and they have the most applications likewise. Metals are this most unique in this category, they have their particles tightly packed so as to increase the toughness and rigidity of the material.

One of the many uses of metallic elements is the designing of works of art. These metals are used to write inscriptions on other materials that are tough as well. They are also used in the writing of tattoos on the human body. The tattoos written here are rather temporary in nature and could be removed from the body.

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