Friday, March 13, 2015

Wigs And Hair Pieces For Alopecia

By Leslie Ball

Baldness can be a choice or a condition. The condition of losing volumes of strands of hair is called Alopecia Areata. Research show that the person who has it has defective immune systems that attack the follicles. The follicles make hair growth possible and without it, baldness of the scalp occurs.

Girls and boys as young as teenagers can suffer from this condition. It can be part of a family history or another kind of disease has triggered it. There is no cure for this according to experts but there are synthetics and hair pieces for alopecia to help the patient regain his or her confidence.

Patients have their own stories of the time they have discovered their illness. First, they just happen to lose a lot of strands and it eventually becomes thinner and thinner. Different reactions come when the doctor finally tells them what is happening to them. Many take it hardly because the feeling of unattractiveness may sink into them, considering that there is no known cure for it.

Some of the determinants why some people have this condition include family history, an autoimmune illness, and abnormality of skin color or nail shape and texture. These all contribute to Alopecia. When a person experiences this, he or she may also feel self pity and other psychological disturbances.

The hair is part of physical appearance. Without it, a person may not feel as confident as he or she should be. Hence, some of them who are not emotionally or psychologically strong, may also need some psychiatric counseling to help them feel better about themselves and to accept the fact that it is an incurable condition.

If a patient gets to see a doctor to complain about too much loss, he or she may be surprised to get the diagnosis. The doctor can determine if the patient is suffering from this by asking if he or she has a family history of this. Other ways is through physical examination. There are blood tests and analysis procedures that will be done as well because the person could be suffering a far worse condition than Alopecia.

Synthetics, wigs, and artificial hairpieces can help the person look better and possibly feel better. There are a lot of commercially available wigs that look real and stylish. There are also some products that may help in growing back some hair. The patient can try all these but with the cosmetic products that can be bought over the counter, they have to consult their doctor first.

There are styling professionals that can also help them with their problem. They are the ones who know how to style he hair by making it look thick. They have techniques that can make everyone look pretty. If the patient prefers to be bald, makeup and clothes and other accessories may help to make them feel better.

If there is no other way, the only way to get through all this is acceptance. They need to understand wholeheartedly that life still goes on even if they are bald. They have lovable personalities that can replace their crowning glory. In addition, they have their loved ones who can make them realize that life is beautiful no matter what happens.

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