Friday, April 3, 2015

Mixing Thing Up With African Bone Jewelry

By Iva Cannon

Fashionable attire plays a significant role in life in the modern world. It is through fashion that many successful long and short term personal and professional relations find their genesis. This is so because it is the initial visual impression that many people use to determine whether to even approach others or engage in a conversation with them. African bone jewelry help millions of fashion conscious individuals around the world to achieve the look they desire and make the impression they want to make.

Wearers make bold fashion statement with these accessories. Afrocentric, natural look created by the pieces makes wearer stand out in most crowds, drawing attention to the ensemble and bringing attention to the bold fashion statement being made. This is why many fashion commentators will declare these pieces suitable for those who dare to be different and don't mind being the center of attention.

The natural earthy look that is derived from these jewelry items is splendid. It is great for individuals who want to remain close to nature while maintaining their fashionable look. This look is also bound to attract the attention of others making it an ideal one for those who either love or crave attention or who can handle a lot of public attention. This type of intention is inevitable as people, attracted by the uniqueness of the pieces will naturally stare and may even approach the wearer.

When it comes to flexibility in style, these accessories are ideal. They can be worn with all categories of attire since they come in a wide variety of designs and sizes. Those wearers who desire a bold sporty look, for example, would do well to select the pieces that have stronger colors and larger pieces of bone in the design. Some pieces can be used for any category of attire.

This earthy, Afrocentric look may also be achieved through synthetic pieces. Jewelers are able to manipulate synthetic fabric such as plastic to fashion pieces that look just like bone. Since the natural ones are made from animal bones the wearers of synthetic designs may feel more comfortable knowing that an animal's demise did not yield the accessory.

Many of the bone-like pieces are also made from natural items such as wood. It is not unusual to find wooden carved bones being strung together to make beautiful necklaces that resemble the real thing so closely that only forensic inspection would tell the difference. This is so because the craftsmen and women are so skilled in their selection of the right quality of wood along with their application of intricate techniques developed through years of practice. As with the synthetic designs, wooden designs help to relieve the consciences of the wearers.

In addition to all the perks provided by these natural accessories, the wearers score points for themselves in terms of safety. This is so because the accessories are not as enticing to thieves as those made from precious material such as gold and diamonds. Wearers also do not appear to be as affluent as gold wearers, for instance, and as such are less likely to be considered good targets for robberies.

These fashion pieces are clearly advantage providing assets. They empower wearers to be different and to embrace an aspect of life that others may be too timid to explore. It is this type of empowerment and sense of purpose that many fashion of today's lovers around the world crave.

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