Tuesday, April 21, 2015

People Are Revealing Personal Information When Wearing Monogram Necklace Pendants In Public

By Stella Gay

Even with our current level of awareness, many people are still victimized in various ways by people who possess those colorful personality traits most common to a sociopath. These unsavory individuals will seek any personal data they can get in order to gain access to their prey. When one wears monogram necklace pendants, they are giving out personal information.

Because this article of jewelry carries in it the initials of a name, a clever trickster who maintains observational closeness can sometimes glean more data. It should chill one to the bone to realize that women and girls are the ones who wear such an item most frequently. Not only that, but boyfriends, husbands, and parents are often the ones who buy the trinket for them, not realizing the danger.

Some people may even wear necklaces that include their actual name. Take in the example of a teenage boy or girl wearing their name around their neck while playing for their sport team, and any sharp observer will have their first and last name. This sort of stalking is sometimes done by pedophiles, but most often it is other students stalking one-another due to petty squabbles or an unhealthy crush.

For young people who are just old enough to not hold their parents hand all the time, a predator lurking about might hear a parent or teacher yell their name out, and will be able to match it to the letters. Such an observer may have a whole arsenal of tricks up her or his sleeve to convince a child to come with them.

An even younger child might be conned into revealing what the initials stand for when some grandfatherly pedophile approaches them. Children are known to have a dangerous tendency to become more relaxed in the presence of a person when they call them by their first name. Even though they are still strangers, it tells their brain that, once names are exchanged, they are strangers no more.

Even adults can be manipulated in this way, as we have a tendency to relax more when on a first-name basis with someone. Once certain boundaries have been lowered, it makes it much easier for an attacker to get a perfect opportunity to make their move. Even street-smart ladies tend to relax into a conversation when they are being called by their name.

Big, flashy, and outrageously expensive monogrammed necklaces became quite popular with the rise of rap music in popular culture. This brings young men and boys to the table, wearing not only an item with their initials, but one that is also large and flashy. Let the attacker approach them by donning the same look, and these young people may find themselves in more danger than ever expected.

Not only do people wear this sort of pendant with their own name, but often the name of their church or social club might be worn. Once a dangerous stranger knows where and possibly when to find the person in more than one location, aggravated stalking can begin. Only the most observant person would be able to identify that they had lain eyes on this stranger more than once.

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