Sunday, April 26, 2015

Muti Functional Bangle Purse Hangers

By Toni Vang

There are so many fashionable materials these days that are both stylish and practical. The most practical ones are those that are multi functional. One example is bangles. These come in different styles but they can be functional as well. The can now be used in three ways which will be detailed below.

Many women prefer functionality and style because these days, there is a need to be really practical. Bangle purse hangers serve as jewelry and at the same time, hanger for your purse and bag whenever you are at a party or in bars and restaurants. You can simply attach the bangle on a table then hang your bag there. Depending on the brand, this can hold up to six kilos. Hence, it can really support your bag with all the things inside it.

You may use this when you are in a restaurant where you cannot put your bag on the table because that is where the food should be. Neither will you be able to place it under or beside your chair because it may get dirty or someone could step on it. With the purse hanger, you can actually just hang it on the corner of the table where it is easy to keep watch of it.

There are already many brands that came out after this multifunctional accessory was discovered. It lured an incredible number of target market because this innovation is unique just as much as it is fashionable. Moreover, it is very practical and serves as a good security to your things. Aside from the fact that it can be a bracelet or a bangle, you can also use this as a handbag accessory. You can simply attach this to the handle of the bag and just let it hang there with style.

A lot of other brands have been competing since the first one came out in the market. This innovation is very unique of its kind. Hence, it is unprecedented. No other accessory has become this functional and multi purpose until this came. It is a very inviting accessory and is very in demand for women.

There are so many celebrities that use this in three ways. They make it as a bangle, as a handbag accent, and as a hanger. Three different functions that are all useful and sensible. It is very practical to buy one, especially an authentic one. It can be expensive but it is worth the price.

It is rare to find accessories that serve so many purpose. This is the answer to the longings of any woman as most of them really want to make sure they get the most out of an item they buy in fashion stores. With the bangle hangers, they can have a jewelry, a purse accessory, and a handbag hanger.

Recycle materials in bangles like metals and rubbers are very friendly to the environment. They are absolutely safe to use since they have undergone a lot of processed before the final output was obtained. It is not compulsory to get authentic and expensive bangle hangers. But it is important to assess the quality first. Make sure it does not easily rust.

Today, since many accessories manufacturers have engaged in the manufacture of these amazing jewelries, there are already affordable brands but still of great quality. When you go to bars, it is really inconvenient to place all your bags on the table or under it since it can get wet on top of the table with all the liquors and all dirty when placed under. So with this accessory on hand, your bags are secured. Buy the environmentally friendly ones as they are also good quality buys.

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