Sunday, August 16, 2015

Christina Dimauro Kelly & 3 Summer Fashion Tips

By Katie Onson

It's summertime and, suffice it to say, the heat is nothing short of intense. You may find yourself struggling to stay cool, but this doesn't mean that you should sacrifice the sense of style that you have built for yourself. It's for this reason that I would like to talk about the ways in which one can dress for summer, remaining stylish all the while. Here is a series of 3 tips, each one endorsed by Christina DiMauro Kelly, that will be able to help you along the way.

As the likes of Christina DiMauro Kelly will tell you, one of the ways to stay fashionable during the summer is to take advantage of head wear. Sun hats are tremendous for this purpose, and it's easy to imagine that they can go well with virtually any attire that can be considered. However, I believe that they are best suited for leisurely wear, like summer dresses. Regardless, head wear must be accounted for when putting together the right attire.

Footwear is another component of fashion to be aware of. If you're someone who wants to be comfortable in this sort of weather, you may be better off going with sandals or open-toed shoes. These options are tremendous for days when the heat is unbearable, and socks and boots simply will not do. Options like the ones previously mentioned are especially useful for those who enjoy going to the beach, so focus on them for the sake of comfort, if nothing else.

Color is another aspect that you should be mindful of as well. Without this, you will not be able to stay nearly as fashionable as you would like. Nonetheless, you will have a number of lighter hues to choose from, ranging from pink to teal, and the fact that they can be seen across numerous articles of clothing cannot be ignored. Christina Kelly can attest to the idea that if color was not present, fashion would not be nearly as eclectic as it is today.

Even though the summer weather can take a toll on the human body, it shouldn't take a toll on one's sense of style. Christina DiMauro Kelly can say the same, and methods like the ones discussed earlier can make a tremendous difference. It's just a matter of how much work you're willing to put into your sense of style, from head to toe. Once you're able to put together the right styles, you'll find yourself more comfortable on even the most intense summer day.

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