Monday, August 24, 2015

Simple Tricks To Make Footwears Look Rocking With Venetian Shoe Cream

By Ruthie Livingston

There are times when you feel too tired and lazy cleaning your footwear. When people see how dirty your shoes are, they instantly think that youre disgusting and have poor hygiene. Of course, you feel outraged if people tell you about it. However, part of what they say is correct because if ever you are too tired to clean it, then it would be the same with your body. If ever you do not want to be labeled as an untidy person, better clean and polish your footwear now.

However, you must be wary of choosing a cream because some of them contains harmful chemicals that will damage the quality of the leather. One of the most well known footwear care products available in the market today is the Venetian shoe cream. It does not only clean and shine your footwear, it also conditions and protect it from the environmental contaminants that accelerates the wearing of leather quality.

The way you look has an impact on your ability to make friends and influence people. Let us take for example, you are the manager of a large firm, but you wear an extremely dirty and unpolished footwear. A lot of people will instantly notice it and it will not be good for your image as their boss. This is the reason why you should always need to wear clean and shiny footwear.

Although it may sound fictitious, a clean shoe can help you earn the respect of other people. It can benefit you in so many levels, so start cleaning it like a pro. Here is a simple step on how to clean your shoe skillfully and efficiently.

It can tarnish the floor if ever you dont put something that will protect the floor, such as a piece of newspaper. It will save you from hours of mopping the floor. Get a brush or a damp fabric to clean the leather surface from dirt and mud. If you are using a damp cloth, wait for a couple of minutes until it is completely dried. If you are using a brush, you can proceed to applying the cream.

You can apply a fair amount of cream on the shoe. Use the brush or the piece of cloth to spread it evenly. When you spread cream, make sure that you do it in circular motion. Wait for at least one minute for the cream to dry.

Brush the surface briskly with a horse hair brush for about thirty to forty five minutes until you bring out the shininess you want. You need to be patient about this. Then, brush the heel and toe.

After achieving the shine you want, get an old piece of clean, dry clothes. Wipe it again for at least 3 to 5 minutes to take off the extra cream that is not spread. This can also give it an extra shine. Now you are ready to wear it.

Remember that if you are aware of how to take good care of your shoes, they can be of service to you for a long time. Money is saved in the process because there is no need to buy few times a year. Do visit the website for more details and validation.

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