Sunday, August 30, 2015

Myths Women With Natural Black Hair And Fashion Blog Should Not Believe

By Shawn Hunter

There are a lot of things in the world that we tend to care about. One of them is our hair. It is what most people call as our innate crowning glory. It makes us look beautiful in every aspect which is why it would be relevant to take care of it as much as you can. This allows you to look better in ways you never expected.

But, to do such is a difficult task. It has been a struggle among women for a thousand years. There are even some of them who are led to believe some myths that are widely spread, especially to those women with natural black hair and fashion blog. Since, they have the capacity to spread the word to the world, it would be dangerous if they are fed with wrong information. Find out in the following.

Natural follicles do not grow. Generally, the strands do grow no matter what kind of type it is considered. The only difference is that people who do not have theirs straight can readily see the progress of its growth than those who have wavy or curly ones. Everyone had this special characteristic equal to what most others had.

People like them washed it once in a blue moon. This is not true. It shall be impossible for us to experience having the moon turning into the color blue. It had been just an expression that people used to emphasize how individuals with natural strands washed them. But, the truth is, they really do wash it.

Many people have thought greasing allows it to grow faster. No, this is not primarily true. The oils that it may secrete might become a good aid in keeping the glow of the hair as it grows, but this does not mean it is the main reason of it. Its growth comes natural. It is one of its best features. The only thing that makes it grow beautifully is when you will pamper it with lots of nutrients.

Incomparable strength. There is no such thing of a follicle with supernatural strength. The reality behind what makes the quality of its shaft incomparable can become evident with the way it had been taken care of. Any hair type needs to have sufficient amount of care. This makes it even more beautiful. Learn the secrets behind in enhancing the beauty by understanding its rhythm.

Never straightened it. To straighten those who had their texture naturally curly have the tendency to obtain the phobia of trying to stretch out their own curls. This has always been widely spread. Straightening does not mean you have to say goodbye to your beloved curvy features. It will only make a temporary difference.

Trimming makes it grow. No, it will not. Cutting a few centimeters allows it to get rid of the damaged portions of the hair, including split ends. Without those annoying split ends, its shafts gains the freedom to spread more of its nutrients, permitting it to extend more in its length. So, only the disappearance of the unwanted damaged ends increases its capacity to grow.

Therefore, these are a few myths that most of us believe when it comes to treating the natural hair. If you are one of those who believed in this, congratulations because you now know they are not true. So, if you have many other friends who believed the same thing, educate them. Share this with them.

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