Friday, September 11, 2015

Christina Dimauro Kelly & 3 Ways To Nail Fall Fashion

By Rebecca Mills

Now that we are about to enter the fall season, it will not take long for new fashion trends to rise to the forefront. Some will prove to be more popular than others, as I'm sure the likes of Christina DiMauro Kelly will attest to. However, I think that it's important for those who know less about style to understand how to accomplish the best looks. In order for this endeavor to be carried out with the utmost effectiveness, here are 3 pointers not to be overlooked.

For those who are looking to stay warm during the fall months, but would still like to look good, flannel is one of the best options to go with. Keep in mind that this material comes in a litany of colors, not to mention fabrics, meaning that you have a tremendous amount of variety to work with. Not every color will be to your liking, though, so take advantage of fitting rooms if you can. Nonetheless, this is just one option that Christina DiMauro Kelly can draw your attention to.

Next, you may want to consider blazers, which are relatively common across clothing retailers. Much like the aforementioned flannel, there's a strong level of variety to choose from. However, depending on where you shop, you'll be able to pick up a number of tops without placing a sizable dent in your bank account. For the ladies who are looking to fill their wardrobes, blazers are more than worth the space that they will occupy.

Let's say that you end up finding everything that you'd like, in terms of fall fashion. It's possible that your clothing will fit you in a baggy style, which isn't exactly the most stylish. In fact, you would be better served by incorporating clothing that complements your form well. Tailored attires are desirable, for this purpose, so make sure that you try on everything before making investments. Reputable names such as Christina Kelly will say the same.

Now that you have a stronger understanding of what fall fashion should entail, hopefully you'll be able to create better attires for yourself. Everyone should possess a unique sense of style, but different elements will ensure that men and women appear as sharp as possible. The best advice that can be given is to simply experiment with different things, even if they weren't considered beforehand. Who's to say that they won't make you feel more confident in the long run?

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