Friday, September 4, 2015

Details On Modest Islamic Clothing

By Daphne Bowen

When people think of Islam what comes to mind are the endless rules associated with this religion. This is so because it is one of the strictest religions ever. It highly emphasizes the need for persons to always be decent at all times. This is mostly evidenced in the manner in which they dress and carry themselves around. In relation to this, the following is an article on modest Islamic clothing.

To start with, it is of crucial importance that the types of clothes worn are supposed to be those which reveal as little akin as possible. In fact, the only parts which should be exposed in the case of women are just their faces and hands. This is in accordance to their holy teachings and it sees to it that ladies remain as decent as possible.

Secondly, the rules strictly forbid tight clothes. These are those which expose the general outline of the body. This is considered wrong because it will attract the wrong type of attention. Individuals are supposed to wear loose fitting clothes which cover their whole body and this applies to both for men and women.

All Muslims are encouraged to embrace who they are. This means that they are supposed to be proud of their religion and identity. At no one time are they allowed to imitate the ways of life of people from other faiths around them. Men are advised to dress as men and women not to wear mens clothes. This is the reason as to why men are forbidden from wearing gold and silk because they are considered feminine.

Most of these attires are purchased when traveling to the Muslim world. For others, they prefer sewing their own clothes in the comfort of their homes which is not very tiring as the designs are usually very simple. With the modern days however, online shopping is gaining fast recognition and individuals are able to get in touch with various retailers from all over the world.

Most of the clothes are usually not flashy. This is to avoid unnecessary attention. Majority of people from this religion prefer to dress in earth-tone colours such as green, grey, blue and the usual white and black. These however vary across the Muslim world as some countries do not really mind about the colour or the type of fabric used.

Majority of people from this community, especially the women, are usually very adapted to this mode of dressing. Their bodies become used to this with time hence they do not get uncomfortable even under the hot unbearable sun. The other factor that helps control temperatures is the fact that the clothes are usually loose giving allowance for the flow of air.

To sum up the above, most people usually term this mode of Islamic dressing as being old fashioned and boring. However, the Islam community has been able to retain it all through time in memorial and have held it close to their hearts with very high confidence.

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