Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Scary Voodoo Dolls And Stories Behind Their Popularity

By Daphne Bowen

We are so blessed to be born in an era where getting relevant information that we can use is already easy. But for the past generations, this will require them some degree of long term waiting. Oral tradition is one of those things that are widely used in order to distribute information to different people. And since the exact words can be added and deducted after passing from one person to another, myths start to arise.

If you read materials from various sources, you will bump into a huge list of legends dating as far as the history of men can recall. Among those topics that have been a subject of many interpretations are the scary voodoo dolls. They are characterized by horrific faces, though modern ones depict more pleasing features. Dolls may be toys for little girls. But its a different story when a touch of horror and witchcraft is involved.

For fans of horror movies, you might be able to recall some of those you had seen which show how these items are used. Usually, they are associated with the practice of the occult. Have a look at the following story backgrounder that tells something about these mysterious things that have survived the test of times.

Bringing bad luck to people. This is perhaps the most popular belief among all the things that are listed here. Voodoo dolls come in different forms but a lot of them have deformed faces and gruesome appeal. This gives off a feeling of negative vibes around those who see it. Its been said that those who first practiced witchcraft centuries ago use these dolls to ask for bad luck towards a target person.

They may heal common illness. At the opposite side of the argument come those individuals who believe that these dolls are tangible gifts from the heavens. They think its a sort of holy item that can help cure diseases if you only believe and ask. Believers on this side portray an angelic image of this voodoo item rather than a gruesome one.

Soul transfer. Some call this reincarnation. Others term it as possession. Whatever is the case, this mechanism comes to life with the belief that dolls are capable of housing souls of any people.

Murdering. As terrible as the thought could be, there are really people who believe that they can use voodoo items to murder people. By making one as a representation of an actual thing, they will be able to do anything to the doll which is expected to take the same effect on the actual person.

They have a life of their own and awaken at night. Yes it sounds like that story straight from a kids nightmare, but its a popular myth. It has been said that these things are completely non living during daytime. However, they start awakening at night, doing all sorts of trouble you can ever imagine. Well, definitely something you dont want your kids to play with.

Myths are creations of our mind. Meaning, they may not entirely real. Get things straight and make sure you dont end up scaring yourself with just a thought. At the end of the day, a doll can still be a gorgeous accessory in your place. Granted of course, that it doesnt have that voodoo look.

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