Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Native American Gift Shops Have Great Offerings

By Daphne Bowen

The earliest inhabitants of what are now known as the United States were the great tribal nations of the Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Hopi, Mohawk, Seminole, Pueblo and many more. Each one existed independently, with their own spiritual beliefs, cultural traditions, laws, history and artistic style. Plenty of Native American gift shops offer authentic products created by skilled artisans of The People.

Stores that primarily focus on tourism trade typically stock up on novelty items that are representative of some stereotypical images. Some common products of this sort are key chains, postcards, paintings, beaded products, dream catchers, tomahawks, headdresses, drums and dolls that are dressed in generalized costumes. Most of these things are not hand made, but rather manufactured in mass in factories.

Often located near the reservations or other areas with high tribal concentrations, stores that feature merchandise of authentic origin are quite popular. Their inventory contains items that are individually crafted by the hands of actual tribal artisans who practice the traditional ways. With pride in the quality and personal attention to detail, each product is a unique treasure.

Traditional and authentic crafting required that the materials used all be natural as they were hundreds of years ago. This included using things like clay dug from the ground, feathers, quills, stones, gems, leather, fur, wool and silver just to name a few. Everything was made by hand and typically featured subject matter such as animals and nature, the sun, moon and stars, geometric shapes, earth tones and spiritualism.

A lot of people who seek out authentic and traditionally styled crafts of high quality often appreciate the skill of basketry. Each region varied their techniques depending on the materials that were available to work with. As an example, all types of baskets, trays and jars are constructed of whale baleen in the far north area of Alaska, thin strips of wood in the northeast and grass or yucca leaves in the southwestern zones.

Among the oldest forms of art known to man is pottery, and each of the tribes, including the Navajo, Hopi, Cherokee, Catawba and Pueblos, all cultivated their own uniquely distinctive design styles. Tradition and authenticity dictates that only natural clay be used and that pieces be done by hand without a modern potter's wheel. All colors should be of organic origin using plants and minerals as resources, and that shine and luster be achieve by methods like stone rubbing and pine pitch washes.

Kachina dolls are a highly desired art form are a commonly recognized specialty of many Pueblo tribes including the Navajo, Zuni and especially the Hopi. They are spiritual totems typically representing animals, humans or the sun, and are often sculpted in dancing poses. Such figurines are believed to be imbued with supernatural qualities that are capable such feats as bringing rain, increasing fertility or promoting better health and well being

Each region has a different style of design among artisans practicing the art of beading. The medium used by most is seed beads and they are not only used in creating jewelry, but also as embellishments on items such as drums, pipes, basket handles, fabrics, shoes and clothing. There are numerous other beautifully crafted products one may find when shopping for authentic tribal products.

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