Wednesday, March 9, 2016

4 Spring Fashion Tips, From Christina Kelly

By Rebecca Mills

Springtime is drawing near, and it's clear that there are many ways to get in season. One of the ways to do this, as supported by Christina Kelly, is by shifts in attire. Fashion is essential for this time of year, and it's likely that the clothes you have worn during the winter are not necessarily going to translate well to the warmer months of the year. With that said, here are 4 pointers that should help you get the most out of spring fashion as possible.

Color is essential, and you should focus on the warmest hues for spring fashion purposes. Pink, orange, lavender and the like are tailor-made for this time of year, though not all articles of clothing will feature them. This is where smart shopping can come into play, as you can focus on different products that seem to scream, "springtime." Such a tip matters, and authorities in fashion such as Christina Kelly would be hard-pressed to disagree.

While colors are worth recognizing, you should not overlook the importance of patterns, either. Keep in mind that there are many to consider for springtime apparel, and some are likely to stand out more than others. Floral, striped, and gingham are just a few choices, but they should give you a better understanding of what to shop around. Suffice it to say, you'll make more informed choices over the course of time.

Once you have the previous qualities taken care of, you will then have to take footwear into account. Try to focus on more comfortable shoes, like sandals, seeing as how you'll have the warmer weather to account for. Not only are the sandals in question easier to wear, during this time of year, but they can look quite attractive as well. Footwear is often overlooked, but Christina DiMauro Kelly will tell you to keep this in mind as well.

Accessorizing matters as well, when it comes to apparel for the spring. You might be able to include the colors and patterns discussed earlier, and it's recommended that you do so whenever possible. For example, if you're looking for a particular handbag, you might want one that will feature a prominent "springtime color." Maybe you'd like to add a bracelet or necklace. Whatever the case may be, accessories can make all the difference.

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