Friday, March 11, 2016

Tips On Shopping For Hand Painted Jewelry

By Brenda Hamilton

If you are in the market for unique and one of a kind accessories, this guide can help. Sandy Springs GA is home to a great number of artists and creative businesses which focus on providing hand painted jewelry to area shoppers. Read on for some suggestions to help you to find out more about shopping for this type of item.

One of the most fun type of events which can help you to find out more about jewelry designers and their work is an arts and crafts fair. There are many on offer throughout the year but especially around the holidays. These types of events give area shoppers the chance to learn about creative makers in the region and to purchase gifts and fashion.

As a matter of fact, a lot of local designers are very happy to provide more information about their work or even suggest commission products. The latter option allows you to have an item made to custom orders. Examples of customization include particular colors or initials which are hand painted.

There are other ways to find out about local makers and artists including through arts organizations and community groups. For example, visiting a community center may be an effective means of finding out more about local artists through notice boards featuring advertising for local businesses. As well, many arts organizations create free directories which profile local makers and artists.

Not to be overlooked, simply asking around may uncover some great tips and suggestions. Take the time to ask among your family and friends who enjoy fashion and art for their recommendations. They may be able to provide you with some useful pointers to get you started.

For further information about this topic there are a range of resources online. These include blogs and sites which are aimed at art buyers. They often include useful profiles of designers as well as studio tours. These can be a fun and interesting way to research local makers.

On that note, remember that increasingly designers and artists are offering their wares through individual websites. These can be a great means for viewing portfolios and even purchasing work. A simple search online is sure to uncover a great range of artists who produce fashion accessories which are painted by hand. Use search words to your benefit to find the most relevant examples. Many artists today focus much of their sale efforts on online shoppers. This allows them to reach a geographically diverse group of customers and to cheaply and simply advertise their wares. A final tip is essential regardless of what you are looking to buy as a shopper. Make sure to be a safe consumer by carefully ensuring that vendors, products and payment facilities are secure, safe and reputable.

For more tips about this topic, there are a great number of art magazines which focus on fashion and accessories. They often include listings and ads for designers throughout the region. You can find examples of these types of magazines at book stores and libraries.

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