Friday, March 25, 2016

Effective Ways On Showing Off Fantastic Fashion Jewelry Displays

By Gary Johnson

The business of fashion can be fun and fashionable, but it can also be very competitive if you are a retailer specializing in accessories. Indeed, it is challenging to separate yourself from the pack if most everyone is trying to sell the same things. But there is a way where you can stand out from the rest and that is through the creation of a fabulous store display that will entice consumers to choose your business above the rest.

It can be a considerable challenge to stage something as simple as a storefront presentation. Because you are dealing with accessories, you need to think of creative ways on showcasing fashion jewelry displays to their fullest potential. Luckily, these solid tips and tricks below can aid you on getting the most out of your visual merchandising goals.

Be an engaging storyteller. Designers love to tell stories through their creations every season. The trends featured in magazines and on the runway are reflective of what they are trying to say, and you should stay abreast of these trends when trying to come up with a theme for your visual presentations. And remember, you should switch things up every time because fashion is seasonal.

Simplicity matters. Too often, it is very easy for retailers to go over the top with their styling. Too much is a bad thing since most people are less inclined to stores with cluttered displays. Be conscientious with your selections and remind yourself to have a strong editing eye when staging a visual showcase.

Focus on what matters. You want your consumers to know that your store sells exactly what they want. As such, your visual presentations must highlight the star products that move sales quickly. Do away with items that will not generate interest to a potential buyer.

Let there be light. It sounds cliche, but good lighting can really make a huge difference when trying to entice people to notice and ultimately buy what you have on display. If you have items featured on a wall shelf as opposed to the front window, move them where there is a better light source available. Nothing will be noticed if nobody can see them.

Say no to staying flat. Frankly, placing accessories on tables or pedestals is a lazy way to showcase your merchandise. Be more aggressive in your styling by using mannequins to get that wonderful 3D effect. This helps greatly as customers are highly visual when buying and they want to know exactly how their potential purchases will look when worn.

Dare to use bold colors. Whether you want to create a striking contrast or aiming for a complementary aesthetic to your visuals, you can never go wrong with using colors. Nobody wants to look at boring displays. Have fun with mixing and matching your merchandise with colorful props or clothes to better your chances of getting people to notice them.

For all of these helpful hints of advice, it is important that you should try out and see what works for your business. Trial and error may happen, but this is part of the process that helps you learn. And when you have it mastered, you can rest easy knowing that you got the job done.

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