Saturday, March 5, 2016

Reasons Behind Modest Islamic Clothing Of Women

By Stephanie Peterson

The appearance of a woman has been in scrutiny of many eyes. This is much noticeable in a conservative country that has a different cultural awareness. Today, freedom blossoms to its peak and every gender receives equal rights especially in the manner of clothing to wear. For others, females must wear accordingly to avoid harassment and other undesirable actions. The belief may somehow differ but everyone has to take it.

Religion is already a part of a human life. In the world of Muslim, modest Islamic clothing is a vital principle that every woman must follow. She is expected to follow it and never falter form what is been in generations. People form the other side of the globe may disagree but this is a belief no one can question.

The Islam community maintains high regard to everyone even to oneself. They believe in the sanctity of their woman. She must be protected and guarded through the way she dresses up. Her style of clothing tells everybody about her dignity and her inner being. This principle has come to teach her of the right garments to put on.

Hijab is part of her life. There are any reasons why it needs to be respected and be followed in all forms. It protects her from the eyes of the man as she gaits along the street or wherever she wants to. It represents sacredness for she can only reveal her skin to the man she will be marrying. Her puirty and honor have big impact in the society.

It also adds meaning in her marriage state. Hijab can give harmony between a husband and a wife. Man has the assurance that his significant one is only his, and a blessing for above. This is because the two of them are far from delving into he temptation of the world. Its presence makes the husband reveres the goodness of his wife, instead of just looking into her beauty and grace.

The covering should not be scented. If the scent is there, it makes opposite sex to get attracted with the smell, which does no conform on what is written. The garment must be plain and simple without excessive embellishment to keep eyes away from her. She ought to avoid from putting on accessories and make up.

The verses in the book of life, which is Quran, has content about the proper clothing of a female. Its description is clear and powerful to gain the respect of her fellows. It talks about the dignity and value of a woman when she abides the sacred words. Her behavior and appearance must exemplify the truth reveals in book.

The holiness of words of the books should be understood and be carried away in her dealings. The modesty of her appearance reflects what is in her heart. In this culture, it said that for the past long years men manage to show right attitude to the one who is properly dressed.

The way of dressing up is truly a subject to think about. It does not happen in Muslim countries alone. Even in all fast growing countries, some are in great awe to females who can dress up properly. The purpose of the restrictions of Muslim woman is for her own wellness. The world needs to see it essential as they do.

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